Lessons in everything is imperfectly perfect.

So when I decided to launch this online business, I decided it was a reasonable idea because I could do all of the website, design, and marketing on my own. I mean that is a huge expense normally for a startup like this. We would get that for free! That being said I am doing all the website, design and marketing on my own! What I wasn’t planning on are all the details that take so much time while trying to juggle two other businesses and children's schedules. I mean I have to be a super mom, there is no room for error when it comes to that! (lol, the lies we tell ourselves.)
From flyer designs, product photos, planning out the marketing and the complete website design, I have missed A LOT. I have not gotten all of the products and information listed that I wanted to. We still have not listed so many great products and resources that we have. I have not gotten the marketing perfect during the busiest time of year for online shopping sales. I have had to come to terms with the fact that is impossible to run three businesses on my own and have everything be perfect.
I do know that I have a responsibility to my clients to make sure their work is done correctly and in a proper time frame. I also have a responsibility to myself to not kill myself. This is the first weekend in months that I have not set my alarm for 5 am to wake up and do work before the kids wake up. I slept in, my only alarm being the kids. I feel amazing today as I write this.
Did I have work I could have gotten up and done? YES. But it will get done when it gets done. Today is my self-care day. Just doing what I can and not stressing that everything isn’t perfect. I truly believe in this business and the amazing doors we are opening that will eventually help so many people. The support we have gotten so far in our first month has been unbelievable.
Crystalline Tribe will grow dynamically and exactly the way it is supposed to. The future has never looked so bright. I hope everyone stops and acknowledges themselves today. Realize that you are exactly where you need to be. If life feels chaotic, stop and take two deep breaths. Your plan will work out exactly the way it is meant to. Don't force it. Just believe in it.
Empowering a tribe. Changing perspectives. Creating Magic.
- Amanda (@missdjlux)