The Perspective to Heal

I haven’t posted a blog in a while. It isn’t because I don’t write, I write all the time. The other day I was talking about how I needed to start writing my blog again. Then a friend tagged me in a post saying she “loves my blog” which was such an honor and also was another sign I need to start again. So now is as good a time as any.
Yesterday my vibration was lowered. I was depressed. I am doing a dance of juggling so many things and I work really hard to keep my vibration where it should be. It is old patterns that always bring me down. It is amazing how one email can feel like a hammer slamming me down to the lowest of the low. It is exhausting and I want it to stop but it won’t. I cannot change anyone. I can only change my reaction. The feeling of the disparity comes from learned behavior from a life I moved out of because it didn’t serve me or my highest good.
I bounce back quicker than I used to. I truly believe if I wasn’t in my current situation of struggles it wouldn’t even bother me. Currently, the stress level is so high that is the one thing that puts me over the edge. I bounce back quicker because I am aware. I don’t hide anything anymore. I work through the pain and I try to let it go. The last thing this household needs is added stress. Stress causes disease. We are trying to cure the disease. This is the opposite of the gratitude we live in and the respect we have for one another inside our home.
I went for a hike with a beautiful friend. I almost canceled because like every day lately, I was exhausted. I didn’t allow myself too and it was exactly what I needed. The beauty of the mountains and breathing in the amazing air rejuvenated me. Then I went to one of Mother healing’s classes. Sometimes I leave confused with the downloads and messages I receive but last night was different. My vibration immediately got stronger being in that room with the other beautiful humans. I got the most amazing message that left me laughing uncontrollably. I need more laughter in my life. I need to continue to drink from the cup of happiness and have fun. I know my truth. I left that room standing tall, a smile on my face and empowered. There is a reason she calls these classes “Healing Circles”.
None of us are perfect. None of us are walking the same path. I know I am on the correct path. I have worked so hard the last 5 years to get where I am today. That does not mean the work is done or that it ever ends. It just changes.
I will work harder to release old wounds and patterns. One day the attacks won’t feel like attacks and the words won’t hurt. I currently give them the power to. These are my lessons. They are teaching me to stand in my power and hold onto my truth. I am thankful for the awareness and the beautiful community that gives me the perspective to heal.
- Amanda ( @missdjlux ) ❤️