Take a minute to ground yourself and manifest your dreams

As we celebrate this new year, I hope you take a minute to reflect. Think about the lessons you learned in 2018 and where you saw positive growth in your life. Now think about your intentions for 2019. What is important to you? Where do you see yourself this time next year?
Try to take a few minutes to yourself and do this exercise today. Get your sage or Palo Santo and do a quick clearing of yourself and your space. Get some crystals to place around you. Always select the ones that feel right to you that day. Mine list for today consisted of Clear Quartz for clearing and grounding of myself. Selenite to clear the negative energy. Rose quartz to remember to love myself. Rainbow moonstone for new beginnings. Hematite for grounding and gratitude. Black obsidian (just one of my personal favorites) to connect myself to the Earth and to my inner being.
Once you have your crystals, you can set them up around you, hold them in your hand or lay down and place them on your chakras. Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself and connect yourself back to you. Let the thoughts of the day escape you and just focus on your breath. I like to think about inhaling white positive light and exhaling all the smoke and dark out of my body. Once you are grounded think about what you want for this year. What are the most important things you would like to accomplish? See yourself doing those things. See yourself where you want to be.
When you are done with your visualization and meditation, take a few moments to write down your intentions. What are your dreams? I have a notebook that I keep in a drawer where I jot just these intentions down. This is a great exercise to do periodically throughout the year and it helps you check in to see what was important in the past and what is important to you now if the present moment. Next year on New Year's day you can read the intentions you manifested and see if they came to life.
I just read my intentions from January 1, 2018, and my heart is full. Did I accomplish all of them? No. I did accomplish most of them and that means I am on my right path. I am proud that I have come as far as I have on my journey. I bet if you take the time to listen to yourself and write down what is truly important to you, you might feel the same sense of empowerment I am feeling in this moment. You can create your dreams.
Take some time for you today and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! 2019 is going to be a transformational and amazing year!
- Amanda (@missdjlux ❤️)