Grow Through It and Let It Go

I spend most of my days giving people advice through my work and personal relationships. So often I hear, “it must feel so good to be you! You always know what to say” Well I’m here to tell you I DON’T! I am so grateful and humbled when I am able to guide someone to stand in their own power and make positive changes in their life, but I don’t always have the answer, Especially when it comes to my own life. We all are here to learn lessons and to continue to grow. I have found over the years that the most difficult lessons and times in my life, the ones that “hurt” the most, are the ones that I have learned the biggest lessons from.
Well, today I find myself facing a lesson that has reoccurred over and over again throughout my life. It is a belief of not being good enough, deserving of success, happiness, love. I have been so close, so many times in my life to having everything I’ve dreamed of only to sabotage the situation and run away from it. Not today! TODAY, I stand and fight! TODAY, I stand in my POWER! Today I choose to believe, to know that everything I am seeking is seeking me. To sit in the moment, in the feeling and know that if I grow thru it, it will all come. Today, instead of feeding the fear and running, I chose to sit in silence and embrace the feelings and be grateful for the lesson. In this silence I realized that the problem wasn’t the feelings I was having, the problem was the control I gave to them and what I chose to do with them.
Never reject your feelings, whether happy, sad, scared, depressed, angry…. they are all valid and you are feeling them for a reason. Embrace them, accept them, be grateful for them. If you like the feeling, stay in it! But if you don’t, then grow thru it and LET IT GO!
🙏🏻💕🙏🏻Celeste (@motheringhealing)