Winter Solstice 2022

“From the darkness shines the brightest light.” – Lux Healing Arts
This is statement is a theme of my life’s journey. I originally wrote it in a poem after my father passed, but it rings true in so many different storylines and situations. Winter Solstice reminds us of this. It is the darkest day of the year and the first official day of Winter. It reminds us to look at our journey, what have we learned, and what we wish to change, as the future will start to become brighter.
The darkness allows us to work through old trauma and release past wounds. The light comes to nourish us and allow us to grow again. This is a great time to reflect on what you NEED. We all have wants and wishes but what do you truly NEED to sustain the winter months? The light is coming and through reflection in the darkness, you can find the light again.
Today’s energy also brings the beginning of Capricorn Season. Capricorns are initiators. They are an earth sign that is hard working and reminds us that our dreams are attainable if we commit to aligned action. We can all say we have a dream, but what are the steps that you need to take to build that dream?
Take some time today to reflect on 2022, check in with what your heart needs for your own personal growth, and write down some dreams for 2023. Please honor whatever season you are in right now, and lead with love and compassion for yourself and your journey.
Happy Winter Solstice ✨ – Amanda ( @luxhealingarts)