New Year's and Human Design Gate 38

The sun just moved from Gate 58 to Gate 38 today. Gate 58 left me full of adrenaline energy. I felt like a spinning top this last week with so much to do but no plan on how to do it. My mind knew it didn’t need to be done in the moment, but my body was buzzing with chaos telling me something different. The adrenalin pressure was a lot! I thought part of it was due to my busy work load this weekend, but today I am only halfway through my six DJ shifts for the weekend, and I do not feel overwhelmed at all. Thanks sun energy for the extra jolt of pressure last week!
This is why I LOVE following the energy. I didn’t try to change what I was feeling last week, I just used my tools and reminded myself it would pass. I didn’t double down on the chaos which leads to a never-ending road to anxiety and overwhelm. I just accepted the way I was feeling and took it moment by moment. I even got in a 30-minute manifestation meditation yesterday! It was not perfect, and I was completely in monkey mind during parts of it, but that is okay. The benefits of an imperfect practice are still leading you down a healthier path than no practice at all.
Today the sun switched to Gate 38, The Gate of the Fighter. I woke up feeling less pressure and I am leaning into the feeling of accomplishment. This Gate is still in the Root center, but I feel an excitement in my body about the energy. I only have one subconscious gate in my root, so I feel the energy of this pressure center more than most of my centers.
Gate 38 knows what’s worth fighting for. The energy of Gate 38 is to take the struggles and lessons we have learned in life and use them to create a vision of expansion to step into our soul’s aligned path. The shadow of this energy is to lose sight of what to fight for or engage in unnecessary fights for the sake of fighting.
As we close the chapter on 2023, look back at the year and see where your struggle lead you down a path to your higher purpose. What can you thank yourself for? Where can you look at a situation through a different lens?
Are you standing in your full integrity and honor? Your soul wants you to be open to whatever expansion is coming for you in 2024. You are here to receive everything that you ever wanted. Are you ready to receive it? The very first step is to be aware and honest about where you are at in your journey.
Follow the energy of the universe in my monthly You are the Stars membership group!
- Amanda ( @luxhealingarts )