Virgo New Moon Happy Dance!

Happy New Moon in Virgo! Do a little happy dance, Mercury also stations direct today! Communication can resume with its regularly scheduled programming. All jokes aside, you will most likely feel less emotional trying to have those intense conversations and there won’t seem to be so much confusion around what people are trying to express.
The New Moon is our time to reevaluate intentions and spend some time setting new ones. It is a new energy cycle that allows us to stop, check in and ask ourselves what we need. The New Moon is the energy of new beginnings. This New Moon brings a unique blend of cosmic energies that encourage us to focus on self-improvement, precision, and the details of our lives. This Virgo New Moon also aligns with Gate 47 in Human Design.
The New Moon in Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, the energy will be highly analytical, practical, and detail oriented. Virgo is often associated with self-improvement and self-care. This New Moon encourages us to take a closer look at our habits, routines, and health practices. It's an ideal time to set intentions for bettering ourselves, whether through physical fitness, mental clarity, or emotional healing. Do you even know where your values here lie? How can we start when we don’t take a second to look at what is truly important to our hearts. Virgo's analytical nature also aids in setting achievable goals. Take this time to outline your objectives with clarity and precision. Break them down into manageable steps for a more successful journey.
Virgo's influence compels us to pay attention to the finer points of our lives. This includes decluttering, organizing, and fine-tuning various aspects of our existence. Use this New Moon energy to clean up both your physical and mental spaces.
Virgo’s love to be of service. During this New Moon, consider how you can contribute to your community or help others in meaningful ways. You may feel a pull to show acts of kindness or support those around you, a little more during this time.
The new moon aligns with Gate 47, in Human Design, known as the "Realization" gate, and it carries powerful insights. You may have profound clarity or sudden realizations around situations. You may suddenly see your life’s purpose, understand your relationships on a deeper level or be able to look at your personal growth journey through new eyes.
This gate emphasizes the transformative power of knowledge and understanding. It's a reminder that as you gain awareness and insight, you have the potential to evolve and grow on a deep level. Just as Virgo encourages service, Gate 47 prompts us to share the wisdom we gain with others. Consider how you can pass on these lessons and new understandings to benefit those around you?
Gate 47 also reminds us that true understanding often requires patience and the right timing. Don't rush the process; allow insights to unfold naturally. Combining the energies of the New Moon in Virgo and Gate 47 in Human Design creates a potent blend of self-improvement, precision, epiphany, and transformation. This New Moon invites you to embrace the details of your life, seek understanding, and use that knowledge to elevate yourself and those around you.
As you set your intentions tonight, consider how you can align your actions with the practicality of Virgo and the transformative wisdom of Gate 47. Whether you're embarking on a journey of self-discovery or looking to refine your daily routines, this New Moon offers the energy for growth, expansion, and evolution.
On my way to set mine, my Manifestor surge is on fire right now.
Amanda ( @luxhealingarts 💕)