Wild Women Tribe Moab Retreat
Last weekend I got the opportunity to join Wild Women Tribe and co-facilitate on their annual Moab camping trip.
This opportunity is one that was pushing me completely out of my comfort zone. It is always exciting and nerve racking to travel and drop myself into a container of 30 women I don’t know. Add on top of that, that I do not know how to camp, and you have a recipe that sounds off the “what the hell” am I doing alarm in my negative self-talk side of my brain.
I committed and I was excited to get the opportunity to share the modalities that I love using with my personal clients. When I arrived, the other facilitators were the most welcoming group of women. They immediately made me feel supported, seen, and safe.
Thank you @wildwomentribe @yogawithrandijo @sheridanpaulson @allofnutrition @cdnscribegirl for taking me under your wing and creating such a safe space for me to grow.
I took away multiple expansive lessons during this experience.
✨ One: I can do hard things. Camping was fun and was not as scary as I thought.
❤️ Two: The word I picked at the beginning of the retreat was strong. I immediately had resistance. I am so sick of being told I am strong and resilient. By the second day of the retreat, I realized how proud I am of my strength. It is okay to be proud of my strength and at the same time, tired of always having to be strong.
✨ Three: I love what I do a for work, and I am continuing to grow and find my perfect path. When we stay true to our hearts and stay in integrity, all of the pieces fall into place. Sometimes they just have to fall apart first in order for that to happen.
If you have never attended a retreat, I highly suggest looking into one. Every time I come back with a deeper awareness and understanding of my heart’s journey on this plane.
- Amanda ( @luxhealingarts )