Messy Christmas Tree: Take 3

We continued the tradition of the messy Christmas Tree in our household again this year. This is the third year we have done this, and it has become a tradition that will continue every year in some capacity. The reason for the messy tree was to rectify a situation that my daughter was having a hard time with. I asked her what she needed to work through the emotions and her response was “I want a messy tree! Nothing can be perfect”. So, the Messy Christmas Tree in the Hill/Murphy household was born.
We throw the garland, the ornaments and anything we can get to stick at it. All the while laughing, giggling and mommy praying nothing shatters with the full pitch style throws at the tree. This is a memory my children are going to remember their entire lives and the best part of it for mommy is the lesson it carries.
There is no perfectionism. Perfect does not exist.
I share this with you today so you can remind yourself that your kids don’t want perfect. They don’t even know what “perfect” is. That is a fake goal that we teach them is possible through our actions and words. Guess what happens when you reach your so called “perfect” goal? The goal line moves and perfect always ends up being an unattainable goal, down a road that never ends.
Your kids want you. They want your messy. They want your smile and your love. Take a moment today to look in the mirror and say, “I am perfectly, imperfect and my love is always enough.” Christmas is not about the things; it is about the energy. It can be easy to get wrapped up in the commercialism of it all, but our kids just want our time and to feel like they are seen.
I hope everyone can pause and connect with their heart this holiday season. Sending love and heart felt energy to anyone who feels, overwhelmed, sad or not enough this year. You are always enough.
- Amanda ( @luxhealingarts)