Current Energy Report: Self-Love

The more I experiment with human design, the more I am aware of the underlying currents and energies that affect us from day to day. Just like the placement of the moon and the astrological signs we use to forecast the energy of the collective, as we move through the I-Ching chart in Human Design, the energies of the gates, either activate us on a deeper level or give us a flavor of that energy as we move through it.
For example, we were just in the energy of the Anja, in gate 11, which is the gate of ideas. I was downloading so many ideas this last week!! Rather than panic that I was supposed to do something with them all right away, I made note of them for later. I honored that this was the energy we were in and used it to my advantage. I was empowered by the flow and didn’t get overwhelmed by it. I was conscious of this extra energetic push and I was able to assist my clients in a unique way, knowing they would be feeling this energy as well.
Today, my energy switched. My body intuitively knew the energy was coming yesterday. I spent the entire day cleaning my house and even went to the store to buy a new rug to replace the one I hated in my living room. I giggled when I checked the transit report last night as I was falling asleep. We moved into Gate 10 in our heart center today, which is the energy of self-love. Due to the fact, I have this channel activated in my chart (the 10-57 channel of perfected form), I am going to feel the pull to create a space that I love that reflects the energy I am pursuing. A cozy home…. which is exactly what I need today for security in the 1st line of this energy.
We all have little nuances in our chart, so understanding the layers, helps us understand how the transits will uniquely affect us. Being that I am a Manifestor, with a cave environment, I need my space to reflect what I love in order to be in my full power of the love of self and aligned with my creativity.
For those of you without Gate 10 in your chart, you may feel the pull to tap more into a self-love practice, or on the low end of the energy, you may find yourself questioning your worthiness.
If you notice yourself slipping into victim mindset this week, try to switch your perspective. I know it can be hard but if you can find a way to see yourself and fulfill your needs, this is the most important thing you can do with this energy. Be curious about questions that come up involving self-worth. Go with the flow and find power in the understanding that you are your ultimate resource.
I am sure you have heard the saying put yourself first! Well, this is very true right now. Honor that you are the main resource you have. You deserve everything you need. If you don’t tend to your needs and make sure your love for yourself is strong, you won’t be able to give to those around you.
If you want to learn more about your personal birth chart and energy, reach out!
- Amanda (@luxhealingarts)