Taurus New Moon - Bad A$$ Abundance Energy!

"From the standpoint of wisdom, there is no such thing as failure, only experience." - Richard Rudd
What are you ready to create to find abundance in your life?
The New Moon is always a great time to set intentions and find awareness around what you want to create in the next month. This energy is feeling extra abundant and exciting due to the planetary shifts this week. On May 15th Mercury retrograde ended, May 16th Jupiter moves into Taurus and today’s New Moon in Taurus feels like the push of ambition I have needed after such a crazy eclipse season.
Does anyone else feel like they were thrown into a washing machine, spun around a million times, rung out to dry and then put back on their feet in a completely different place on the map than you ever expected to be in the month previous? My month was INTENSE. As I write this, my mind went to using the statement, “my life was a hot mess this month” but that vocabulary and mind set doesn’t work since I know I asked for it. When you are embodying the planetary energy and asking your guides to put you on the path for your best intentions, you better believe if you are not listening, they will create a dynamic that is a blow horn in your face to listen.
As I have been consciously embodying the energy of the moons and planet placements more and more, I am continually asking my guides to help me align with the healthiest and most abundant path there is for me. This means that in times of shake up when I am not aligned the energy is going to really let me know. So that washing machine feeling was crazy and out of the blue, but it happened FOR ME. I didn’t fight it, I only leaned into what the best course correction was for me. It was uncomfortable and there were pieces of it that hurt my heart, but I had to learn my lessons and my part so that I can step into my aligned path.
This is life. Blissfully thinking you are aligned and where you need to be just to find out you took a wrong turn somewhere. The wrong path was not a waste of time, it taught you something. You can lean into the lessons learned on that path and course correct at any time.
The shakeup of eclipse season is over and now we are in an energy of abundance, passion, and extreme potential. The Taurus New Moon represents a time of planting seeds and setting intentions related to stability, abundance, and material well-being. It is an amazing time to focus on everyday matters like finances, your career goals and building the foundation you need to build the future you dream of.
I realized the other day that my entire life I had dreams about who I would become. I knew what I wanted to do and what that looked like. In the chaos of life, the last few years, I have been hyper focused on following what I want to do in my career and what the role of mother looks like, but I haven’t had a clear vision of what I want my future self to look like. I can take all the classes and learn all the information, but how am I going to align with who I want to be without a vision of this woman and who she is.
What lens are you looking at yourself through? What would bring you abundance to live the life you want to live?
- Amanda ( @luxhealingarts 💕)